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Troop's Night Out

posted on August 10, 2017

Troop's Night Out

Meet Kamarupa Graphic team, an army of youthful talents with aptitudes in specific areas of graphic design. 

We’d been quite busy for a few months, managing and handling various projects in each of our specialties of branding, layout, illustration, digital, content, as well as marketing, account and administration.

With the amount of projects coming in, the office had gotten quite crowded (and messy) at the time.

The fullest our task board had been in months —probably years.

Goldie, our Creative Director amid a full house of creatives.

As passionate as each of us were about our work, we felt that a downtime to chilll and unwind together was long overdue. It was high time that we went out for a movie night! With tickets bought, attires decided and tasks of the day finished early, we were ready to go.

Guess how many tickets were bought.

Tasks done, files saved, emails sent, computers shut down. Time to go!

Three rows of comfortable, velvety seats… buckets of popcorn… all that was left was the movie.

Although it was a bit much for some, watching a war movie after a day of bustle gave us a newfound perspective on our daily strains and a well-deserved mid-week break where we could enjoy each other’s company in a fresh environment.

War survivors, ready for another day of crusade. Cheer for us!

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