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10 Vital Components of an Ideal Company Profile Design

posted on August 11, 2020

10 Vital Components of an Ideal Company Profile Design

To make a great first impression on prospective customers, it is essential to create a company profile design. A company profile is considered as an essential tool for any type of business and can be used as an effective marketing tool to attract new customers as well as investors.

Company Profile Design

So here are 10 things anyone shouldn’t miss when developing or designing a company profile.

1. Cover

10 Company Profile Components - cover

What makes a great company profile cover is a subjective matter, but two things should be there:

• Make sure the cover is an attention stealer

Some people choose attractive and explanatory images however, some choose a clean look with no or minimal image. Either way, the cover should grab the readers’ attention right away while at the same time giving them an idea of what the company is all about.

Company Profile Cover Design

• The company logo and tagline

You just have to put your company logo, and optionally tagline. One thing to note, make sure the company logo is just the right size; not too big, not too small.

2. Table of contents

10 Company Profile Components - table of contents

When you decided that your company needed a new company profile, you already have a rough draft of what kind of content should be there in your mind. Table of contents, as we usually called it, should be planned while keeping an open mind for slight changes in the process. Here are a few things to consider in planning a table of contents:

  • Sections; such as foreword, about us, our products and services, our clients, etc.
  • The order of sections, including which side of a spread they fall on
  • How many pages each section will take (E.g. the first section will take 4 pages, the second one will take 2 pages, and so on)
  • The total number of pages; for printing purposes it should be a multiple of 4, but it’s up to you if it’s only for digital use
  • The layout; how would you like your company profile to be — for instance, modern and simple, or packed with information yet easy to read

Company Profile Cover Design

3. Foreword

10 Company Profile Components - foreword

As one of the first pages in a company profile design, foreword customarily comes from the director, CEO, or founder. The foreword should capture the spirit of the company; it normally covers how much the company has grown, the current business operation, and the upcoming plan.

This section usually will be accompanied by photos of the person, the company, or a stand out quote from the letter.

10 Company Profile Components - foreword

4. Board of Directors

10 Company Profile Components - board of directors

A group picture or brief profile of the directors is important to give a sense of solidity and credibility from the company to the audience.

5. Story

Besides design, a company profile should be able to tell a story. Create a narrative that starts from how the company started, what the company have accomplished until the present time or even future developments.

10 Company Profile Components - story

Such information is usually shown in the milestones, history, or about the company section. Pick important historical milestones that build towards the company’s current state and try to arrange them in such a way that is relevant to the company and the industry.

6. Vision & values

10 Company Profile Components - vision and values

The foundation of every company is its’ vision, mission, and values. Use inspiring images relevant to the vision and the company’s industry to reflect your company’s goals and beliefs.

Are you still in the process of forming your vision & values? This article might be useful.

7. People

10 Company Profile Components - people

Whatever the business, products or services, the human factor plays an important role in any company. Portray them in such ways that suggest competence and trustworthiness.

8. Portfolio

A portfolio section showcases the company’s capabilities and/or results. Use professionally-taken, high-quality images to represent each product/service.

Include a brief and informative caption of each picture; e.g. client name, location, service type, year, etc.

10 Company Profile Components - portfolio

It’s also a good idea to sort them chronologically or alphabetically for easier navigation.

9. Achievements

Without giving as much detail as an annual report does, it’s good to have a summary of the company’s achievements throughout the years. It gives credibility and creates a positive impression of your company.

10 Company Profile Components - achievements

A geographical overview of the company’s reach is also a good thing to include in a company profile design.

10. Contact information

10 Company Profile Components - contact information

Often taken for granted, contact information is still a vital part of your company profile. Readers who are interested in your company need to know how to get in touch with you, so make sure to list these following information:

• Office address
• Phone number
• E-mail address (E.g. hello@ourwebsite.com or inquiry@ourwebsite.com)
• Website URL
• Social media handles (Optional)
• If your company has a business number, a QR code will help the readers to contact you directly without the hassle of adding the contact

If you need creating the design and/or polishing the content of your company profile? Contact us now. You can visit our website in kamarupa.co.id

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